Friday Cindie, J and I went to La Fortuna to see what it had to offer as everything in Ciudad Quesada was closed for good Friday.
We walked around town a bit, and then went to the Ecocentro Dano, which was a refuge of sorts and butterfly farm.
It had been an actual farm only 12 years ago! It was amazing how quickly everything had grown and all of the animals had returned to the area. They had build little pools for the frogs and had a mesh frog house of sorts too, but if you looked carefully, there were frogs and butterflies everywhere!
Some of the butterflies really looked like monarchs, as did their caterpillars. I think they are cousins.
There was actually a mother sloth and her baby in a tree next to the path from the visitors center to the the parking lot. The baby was very active, but my pictures just look like a blob, so I won't bother posting them.
Here are some frogs, frog eggs, and a cool lizard that I scared into the water (I thought that it was a Jesus Cristo, but then I saw other basilisks at the river and they looked very different. Either way, I have seen these in pet stores as water dragons).
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