Sunday, May 2, 2010

Corriendo con Parrotas

While at Ojo Del Mar, I ran every day on the dirt road that stretched between the national park and Puerto Viejo. After the energy sucking hills, uneven sidewalks and diesel clouds of Quesada, running here was a huge relief. It was, for the most part, pretty flat and the surface was nice hard packed dirt. Some days I ran alone, and some with my dad, but either way, it had to be early in the morning and you still came back drenched in sweat.
We forded small streams, saw Jesus Cristo lizards run across water, heard howler monkeys, caused a stampede in a herd of escaped Brahman cattle (one eventually just bust through the barbed wire to get back with its fellows) and saw tons of parrots!!!

There was this one tree that must have been a nest sight, as it was loaded every morning. It was magical to randomly see pairs of huge red macaws soar overhead, raucously calling to one another. Flocks of small parots and parakeets swarmed past and groups of medium sized bird casually chattered and dropped fruit and seed pods to the ground below, unconcerned with my presence. I have always enjoyed running for the sights I see, but this blew everything else out of the water. I saw something like 30 macaws in a single 6 miler one day. It was unreal!

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